Anyone for a Conference hosted on Fortnite?

A long, but informative article, on redef from Matthew Ball. Really worth the read.

I was thinking about this and other ideas around Fortnite. 12 Million people attended a Marshmello concert hosted by Fortnite. Then 12 hours later, they did it again with almost as many people attending.

Think about that for a minute. A 12 million person concert! In less than 24 hours it was possibly something like 20 mIllion. That’s phenomenal, for the phenomenon called Fortnite.

I began wondering what it’d be like to hold more educative or informative events based on the same idea. Not only could it reach more people, but precisely because it could reach more people it could make more money. The biggest Conferences attract tens of thousands of people. A similar structure to the one used by Marshmello could provide a rich conference experience to millions.

Instead of buying a 10$ dance or a 10$ outfit, how about a 10$ concert?

We’re living in interesting times.

8 November 2019 — French West Indies

Matthew Cowen @matthewcowen